Much to my disappointment, winter this year has been surprisingly devoid of snow. To me, snow has always been a quintessential part of the New England winter, and its absence during Christmas day especially killed the winter atmosphere. But yesterday morning finally marked the first significant snowfall of the year.
As I sat in front of the window gazing at those floaty little flakes, I suddenly felt compelled to write something about them. So for my first post in 2015 I will write about snow.
Initially, I found this idea a bit ridiculous. Of all the things one could write about to start off a new year, why snow? One Iris has come a long way (well, 21 posts anyway) since I started it back in August. But as I reflect on these first 5 months, I realize I've lost a part of my original purpose for the blog.
One Iris started as a hobby to make sure I wouldn't forget how to express myself amidst the "newness" and business of college life. I wanted to write in as spontaneously a manner as possible, with no fear of judgement and with as much vigor as I could muster.
And yet recently I've felt a bit of pressure to say something significant. To make One Iris not only a "web log" but a place were one can find wisdom, or some other concrete benefit to take away. I've realized that's quite haughty of me.
The start of a new year is a great time to make new resolutions, and also to remind oneself of those made in the past. Perhaps all these reflections are what made the snowfall so inspiring to me yesterday. Snow is so clean, simple, and graceful. It has always been a powerful source of nostalgia to me, bringing me back to a time when I would jump for joy at the mere sight of it, let alone the act of playing in it.
In the spirit of this nostalgia I think it would be fitting to remind myself of how One Iris began...
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